The collection includes complete items of various sizes and also numerous fragments. Needles, usually thin, have no more than 2 mm in diameter. There are round in cross section, or lenticular, flattened items. The hole in the upper part (needle's eye) is made in a different way. It can be assumed that the items have various dating, or different functional uses.
It is assumed that the items were made using a planning knife. The holes are either cut or drilled with a thin drill. The surface is polished.
The surface of the item has traces of polishing from contact with a soft elastic material (thin skin)
Length (long complete needles) - 80 mm
Length (short needles) - 55-60 mm
Lisicyn N.F. Pozdnij paleolit CHulymo-Enisejskogo mezhdurech'ya. – SPb: izd-vo Centr «Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie», 2000.