The Sabanikha site is located on the left bank of the Yenisey river in the spurs of the Batenevsky Kryazh (Respublika Khakasiya), on a relatively flat platform with a weak inclination to the river in the uplands of the foothill deluvial plume, that destroyed by the reservoir's wave and surf activity.
The site was discovered by N. F. Lisitcyn in 1986 and was investigated by him further in 1989-1991. After a long break, in 2016, A. V. Barkov conducted field work in order to monitor the current state of the site. The stratigraphic position of the cultural layer, the paleo-faunistic composition indicates the existence of a site within the beginning of the Sartan glaciation time. Available radiocarbon dates are in the range of 23–27 th. years BP, which confirms the complex of natural science data.
The collection of artifacts made of stone, bone and antler (about 6 000 pcs) represents typical instruments typical for the classical stage of the Upper Paleolithic. The items of personal ornamentation are represented by a small flat soft stone bead with a drilled hole and a similar bead blank, where the hole is marked but not drilled.
Lisitcyn N.F. Pozdnij paleolit Chulymo-Enisejskogo mezhdurech'ya. – SPb: izd-vo Centr «Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie», 2000. (in Russiun).