"Horned" pendant (small item)

A flattened item that is a fragment of an arc. The item was made of a dark stone (siltstone) by splitting, cutting a hole, and abrading on both sides.The item was made of a dark stone (siltstone) by splitting, cutting a hole and abrading on both sides.

Manufacturing technique

The first stage of a work was the making of central hole and the treatment of the item around the perimeter. The work was made with probably a cutting tool. Movements of the tool are linear. During the second stage of the treatment, flat tough abrasive surface was used. The item moved on it with reciprocating movements. Such traces were found on both sides of the item. During the final stage of the work, light polishing on leather surface was made. Fragmental traces of it were found on the planes and ends part of the artefacts. 

Use-wear traces

Traces of binding and wearing the item as pendant were found. 

Storage location

The museum of BSC SB RAS

Inventory number



Length - 32,45 mm

Width - 5,32 mm

Thickness (average) - 4,74 mm




40-45 th. years BP


Initial Upper Paleolithic

The author of the excavations

Lbova L.V.


Volkov P. V., Lbova L. V. Tekhnologiya izgotovleniya natel'nyh ukrashenij na rannej stadii verhnego paleolita (po materialam Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya) // Vestn. Novosib. gos. un-ta. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. – 2009. – T. 8. – Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 62–73

Lbova L.V. Predmety personal'noj ornamentacii v kontekste znakovyh sistem paleolita Sibiri// Universum Humanitarium, 2016, №1(2). S. 37-49

Lbova L. V. Paleolit severnoj zony Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya. – Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2000. – 240 s.

Lbova L. V. Formy znakovogo povedeniya v kul'turah rannego verhnego paleolita Sibiri // Gumanitarnye nauki v Sibiri, № 3. 2011, S. 11-15

Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V. Tekhnologii izgotovleniya predmetov izobrazitel'noj deyatel'nosti v kompleksah nachal'noj pory verhnego paleolita v Zapadnom Zabajkal'e // Kamennaya skul'ptura i melkaya plastika drevnih i srednevekovyh narodov Evrazii.Tr. SAIPI. Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. gos. un-ta, 2007. Vyp. 3. S. 40–43

Page authors: T. Rostiazhenko, L. Lbova