A pendant of a red deer canine. It has a through-hole. The item is ornamented with 11 parallel cut marks (the fifth and the sixth are brought together).
The hole is made by biconical drilling.
Derevyanko A. P., Rybin E. P. Drevnejshee proyavlenie simvolicheskoj deyatel'nosti paleoliticheskogo cheloveka na Gornom Altae // Arheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii. 2003. № 3 (15). S. 42., Ris. 20
Arheologiya i paleoekologiya paleolita Gornogo Altaya: putevoditel' mezhdunar. simp. «Hronostratigrafiya paleolita Severnoj, Central'noj, Vostochnoj Azii i Ameriki (paleoekologicheskij aspekt)». Novosibirsk, 1990. S. 156