C-shaped large pendant

The item was made on a pink talc pebble.The item is quite large for the category of body jewelry. The hole is made in the side of the item. The surface is uneven. There is a perpendicular chute connecting with the hole. 

Manufacturing technique

The manufacturing technique of the item is quite simple. The recess of the main hole was made with a reamer (from both opposite sides), then the recess was connected with the recces on lateral. "Drilling" was made from both sides with the same tool, but with several attempts. Probably, the same reamer was used as a cutting tool, but with a little bit strange kinematics - it worked as a chisel during final stages of shaping the hole. During the second stage, a cutting tool with narrow working edge was used. The work with this tool was made relatively roughly. Traces of cutting were found far from the area of necessary treatment. During the final stage of the work with the artefact, a slit connected with the main hole was made. The slit was made with probably cutting tool. 

Use-wear traces

On the one plane of the item, traces of the contact with soft leather were found. 

Storage location

The museum of BSC SB RAS

Inventory number



Length - 37,43 mm

Width - 12,29 mm

Thickness (average) - 7,32 mm

Diameter of the hole - 3 mm




40 000 - 45 000 years BP


Initial Upper Paleolithic

The author of the excavations

Lbova L.V.


Volkov P. V., Lbova L. V. Tekhnologiya izgotovleniya natel'nyh ukrashenij na rannej stadii verhnego paleolita (po materialam Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya) // Vestn. Novosib. gos. un-ta. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. – 2009. – T. 8. – Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 62–73

Lbova L.V. Predmety personal'noj ornamentacii v kontekste znakovyh sistem paleolita Sibiri// Universum Humanitarium, 2016, №1(2). S. 37-49

Lbova L. V. Paleolit severnoj zony Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya. – Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2000. – 240 s.

Lbova L. V. Formy znakovogo povedeniya v kul'turah rannego verhnego paleolita Sibiri // Gumanitarnye nauki v Sibiri, № 3. 2011, S. 11-15

Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V. Tekhnologii izgotovleniya predmetov izobrazitel'noj deyatel'nosti v kompleksah nachal'noj pory verhnego paleolita v Zapadnom Zabajkal'e// Kamennaya skul'ptura i melkaya plastika drevnih i srednevekovyh narodov Evrazii.Tr. SAIPI. Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. gos. un-ta, 2007. Vyp. 3. S. 40–43

Page authors: T. Rostiazhenko, L. Lbova