The item is a small flattened pebble of black siliceous material with redish sub-triangular veins. The hole is in the upper part of the item. The hole has smooth edges.
The first stage of working with artefact is making the planes by the grinding on tough abrasive surface. In result, two opposite planes were made (they are not parallel with each other are not coincided natural flatness of the blank). A specially prepared tool was probably used for the second stage - double-sided drilling. The drilling is qualitative, with the tool turnover of more than 180 degrees. The drilling is probably bowed because of the axis of rotation moving from perpendicular to treatment plane. The next stages were grinding with tough abrasive of sparp angles of the blank and polishing the item with soft leather.
During the last stage of the treatment, a piece of leather made some small non-deep scratches on the artefact.
Length - 18,59 mm
Width - 10,99 mm
Thickness - 4,36 mm
Diameter of the hole - 3,53 mm
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