Bead (with burning traces)

The item is a symmetrical round flattened bead made of black and white stone with burning traces. 

Manufacturing technique

The item is made on flat flake. The surface of the artefact has traces of polishing with soft leather (the final stage of treatment). Such traces are located on the item edges and on the first plane. The second plane of the item is not treated and has natural and scabrous surface. Double-sided drilling is made with a reamer that made a turnover of more than 180°. The way of treating the perimeter of the item is not determined. 

Use-wear traces

Use-wear traces are not found (besides the traces of burning)

Storage location

The museum of BSC SB RAS

Inventory number



The outer diameter - 12,77 mm

The inner diameter - 4,52 mm

Thickness - 1,61 mm




35 000 - 30 000 years BP (level 2)


Initial Upper Paleolithic

The author of the excavations

Lbova L.V.


Lbova L.V. Predmety personal'noj ornamentacii v kontekste znakovyh sistem paleolita Sibiri// Universum Humanitarium, 2016, №1(2). S. 37-49

Lbova L. V. Paleolit severnoj zony Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya. – Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2000. – 240 s.

Volkov P. V., Lbova L. V. Tekhnologiya izgotovleniya natel'nyh ukrashenij na rannej stadii verhnego paleolita (po materialam Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya) // Vestn. Novosib. gos. un-ta. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. – 2009. – T. 8. – Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 62–73

Page authors: T. Rostiazhenko, L. Lbova