Angara region


Archaeological cultures of the Early Upper Palaeolithic of the Angara basin are concentrated in the southern part of the region, in the area of ​​Irkutsk (Military Hospital, Schapovo, Gerasimova-1 site, Mamony) and of the Tunkinsky basin (Tuyana). Ust-Kova is the farthest site. It is located in the lower reaches of the river Angara. In general, the sites date from the Early Upper Paleolithic (25-30 - 35-40 thousand BP) and indicate the active development of Man in this region. The collections are known for ornamented artifacts made of ivory and semi-precious stones: there are fragments of bracelets, drilled pebbles, items with ornamented regular cuts along the edge, beads, pendants. Sculpture was also found. In the Neolithic era, there has been a surge in artistic creation represented by unique artifacts made of bone and horn known mainly from excavations of necropolises.



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