Ivolginskiy archaeological complex is located in the Ivolga district of Respublika Buryatiya in 14 km to south-west from the Ulan-Ude city center, in 1 km to south-east from Suzha village, on the left bank of Selenga river. The complex includes Big and Small hillforts and a cemetery.
The big hillfort has a shape of irregular rectangle with sizes 348х194х226 m. It is situated along the river from north to south. Surface finds were collected on the entire site area. Nowadays we can see vague outlines of four shafts and three ditches on its three sides. The total width of the "defensive system" is 35-38 m.
The site was first described in 1927 by Popov V. together with Dunenko V. and Kobylkin A. In 1928-1929, Sosnovsky G. studied three dwellings that were semi-subterranean dwellings. In 1934, he published the description and plan of the hillfort. In 1949-1952, the research were held by Shilov V. and Davidova A.; in 1954-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1962, 1974, the excavations were directed by Davidova A.; in 1986-1988, the research were held by Minaev S. and nowadays the excavations are held by Kradin N. and others.
In 1955, the Leningrad University expedition under the direction of Davidova A. found a cemetery in 800 m to the north-east from the hillfort.
Davydova A. V. Ivolginskoe gorodishche. Arheologicheskie pamyatniki syunnu, vyp. 1. — SPb.: Fond «Aziatika», 1995. — 287 s.
Davydova A. V. Ivolginskij mogil'nik. Arheologicheskie pamyatniki syunnu, vyp. 2. — SPb.: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 1996. — 176 s.
Davydova A. V., Minyaev S. S. Hudozhestvennaya bronza syunnu. //Arheologicheskie pamyatniki syunnu, vyp. 6. SPb.: «GAMAS», 2008 g.
Danilov S.V. Goroda v kochevyh obshchestvah Central'noj Azii / otvetstvennyj redaktor: P. B. Konovalov. — Izdatel'stvo Buryatskogo nauchnogo centra SO RAN. — Ulan-Ude, 2004. — S. 35-37. — 202 s.
Konovalov P. B. Hunnu v Zabajkal'e (pogrebal'nye pamyatniki). — Ulan-Ude: Buryatskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1976. - 248 s.
Kradin N. N. Imperiya Hunnu. Vladivostok: Dal'nauka, 1996. 164 s. 2-e izd. pererab. i dop. M.: Logos, 2001/2002. 312 s.
Lbova L. V., Hamzina E. A. Drevnosti Buryatii: karta arheologicheskih pamyatnikov. — Ulan-Ude, 1999.