Dyrestuyskiy cemetery is located on the left bank of the Dzhida river, in a round bend, 10 km to the southwest from Dyrestuy village (Kyakhtinskiy district, Buryatia).
The site was discovered in 1900 by Talko-Grintsevich U. who has excavated 24 burials on the cemetery area and two later burials 2,5 km southeast of mounds. In the XX century the excavations were directed by Konovalov P. and Minyaev S.
The collection of finds includes iron and bronze elements of horse trappings, golden and bronze plates with animal images, malachite earrings, glass beads, fragments of clay vessels.
Tal'ko-Gryncevich YU. D. Materialy k paleoetnologii Zabajkal'ya. VI // Trudy Troickosavsko-Kyahtinskogo otdeleniya Priamurskogo otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, t. IV, vyp. 2, 1901, str. 32—59.
Tal'ko-Gryncevich YU. D. Naselenie drevnih mogil i kladbishch Zabajkal'skih // Buryatievedenie, № 1-3 (5-7), Verhneudinsk, 1928.
Konovalov P. B. Hunnu v Zabajkal'e (pogrebal'nye pamyatniki). — Ulan-Ude: Buryatskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1976. 248 s.
Lbova L. V., Hamzina E. A. Drevnosti Buryatii: karta arheologicheskih pamyatnikov. — Ulan-Ude, 1999.
Cybiktarov V. A. Petroglify Zabajkal'ya ((voprosy formirovaniya istochnikovoj bazy, istoriografii i kul'turno-istoricheskoj interpretacii) //Avtoreferat na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata istoricheskih nauk. — Novosibirsk, 2006