Onkulii (cemetery)

Onkuli cemetery is located on the left bank of Barguzin river, in Onkuli area, 7 km of Dushelan village of Barguzin district, on a high terrace the surface of which is subject to wind erosion.

The site was discovered in 1967 by Hamzina E. In the same year three burials were excavated. Bones were found at a depth of 0.55 m, in the western part of long narrow pits. The buried men lied on the back with with legs bent at the knees. The left hand of each of them was extended, and the right hand was bent at the elbow, the wrist was bent at the collarbone. 



Hamzina E.A. Rannie pogrebeniya v Onkulyah (dolina reki Barguzin) // Etnogr. sb. – Ulan-Ude, 1974. – Vyp. 6. – S. 234-244.
Hamzina E.A. Arheologicheskie pamyatniki Buryatii. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982. – 152 s.

Lbova L.V., Hamzina E.A. Drevnosti Buryatii: Karta arheologicheskih pamyatnikov. - Ulan-Ude: BNC SO RAN, 1999. – 241 s.

Lbova L.V. Pogrebal'nye kompleksy neolita - rannego bronzovogo veka Zabajkal'ya (formirovanie arhetipov pervobytnoj kul'tury) / L.V. Lbova, E.D. ZHambaltarova, V.P. Konev. - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Instituta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2008. - 248 S.