An item of cylindrical shape. It is made of a fragment of a bird bone (probably, a goose bone). It has a flattening on one side. The surface has both technological notches (for example, on the edges) and some rows of parallel notches that are located perpendicular to the item axis. In the first row, there are some deep and long notches, the second one has 7 small and 5 large and non-deep notches.
Fragmenting of a tubular bone was made with a knife-like tool with a narrow cutting edge. The tool moved with reciprocating motion. The forming of the cut channel was not brought to perforation of the bone, the process ended with fracturing. The forming of cuts and notches was made with the same tool but with less presure.
Use-wear traces include some traces of polishing on one of the edges and area around it. In general, the item surface has traces of light polishing.
Length - 25,57 mm
Width - 12,49 mm
Thickness - 11,19 mm
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