
The burial was found by geologists 3-4 km of Khilok river (left bank), between Dunda-Kiret' and Suhoi Ruchei villages. The excavations were directed by Konovalov P. In the western wall of the ravine, at a depth of 90-100 cm, human remains appeared - those were the skull and knee joints of bent legs. The original position of the skeleton has been generaly remained. The buried man was oriented north - northeast, lying on his back with bent legs and knees turned to the left. Hands folded on the chest, wrist on wrist. Skull face part was slightly turned to the right.



Lbova L.V. Pogrebal'nye kompleksy neolita - rannego bronzovogo veka Zabajkal'ya (formirovanie arhetipov pervobytnoj kul'tury) / L.V. Lbova, E.D. ZHambaltarova, V.P. Konev. - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Instituta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2008. - 248 S.