Triangular item

The item is represented by a fragment of a triangular shape with rounded corners. It is made of bright brown serpentine with a reddish shade. Both surfaces of the item are covered with thin scratches and indentations located chaotically. There are some notches along the edge of the item. 

Outer edge of the item is flattened on both sides and is covered with a row of short deep notches located as a "herringbone". The length of a notch is 3-4 mm (average). There are 25 notches from each side. 

Manufacturing technique

The relatively flat part of the artifact surface has traces that can be interprete as grinding. But due to the bad quality of the artifact preservation, we could not determine the origins of the traces (the result of intentional flattening of the blank on the abrasive or the result of contact with the body or clothing of the item user). We determine that the notches which ornament the edge of the item are made with a knife. Probable tool kinematics is translational. Double-sided drilling is made with a reamer. The break of the item runs along it. The drilling channel is biconical. There is no edge flaring. 

Use-wear traces

The item was broken, probably at the stage of drilling the hole. Use-wear traces are doubtful.

Storage location

Fund of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Inventory number


The Museum KAMIS



The length of the intended bisector of the item - 34.30 mm

The length of the intended side - 26.80 and 21.60 mm

Diameter of the intended hole - not more than 6.36 mm




28-36 th. years BP (dating by culture layer)


Early Upper Paleolithic

The author of the excavations

Larichev V.E.


Larichev V. E., Holyushkin Yu. P. Arheologiya vrekhnepaleoliticheskogo poseleniya Malaya Syya // Arheologiya, geologiya i paleografiya paleoliticheskih pamyatnikov Yuga Srednej Sibiri (Severo-Minusinskaya vpadina, Kuzneckij Alatau, Vostochnyj Sayan). Krasnoyarsk: izd-vo Zodiak, 1992. – S.109–122 (in Russiun).

Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V., Dolgorukova N. A., Barkov A. V., Larichev V. E. Predmety neutilitarnogo naznacheniya mestonahozhdeniya Malaya Syya (tekhnologicheskij aspekt) // Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. 2014. T. 13. Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 91-100 (in Russiun).

Lbova L. V., Kulik N. A., Volkov P. V., Barkov A. V., Vanharen M., Marchenko D. V., Kovalev V.S. Tekhnologiya obrabotki «ekzoticheskih» mineral'nyh resursov v pozdnem paleolite Yuzhnoj Sibiri (po materialam mestonahozhdeniya Malaya Syya) // Stratum plus, 2018, №1, s. 199-214.

Holyushkin Yu. P. Poselenie Malaya Syya - rannij etap verhnego paleolita Sibiri (k probleme nachala stanovleniya kul'tur Homo sapiens v Severnoj Azii) // Astroarheologiya - estestvennonauchnyj instrument poznaniya protonauk i astral'nyh religij zhrechestva drevnih kul'tur Hakasii. Krasnoyarsk: izd-vo Gorod, 2009. – S. 137 –145 (in Russiun).

Page authors: L. Lbova