Malaya Syya

Malaya Syya-site is located in Southern Siberia, at the junction of the eastern foothills of the Kuznetskiy Alatau with the territory of the Minusinsk Basin. The site belongs to the basin river Chulym and is confined to the middle reaches of the Bely Iyus River. The site is located on the western slope of the log, dismembering the port side of the valley, on the western outskirts of the village of Malaya Syya.

The first archaeological work on the site was carried out in 1974-1975, it was discovered by N.D.Ovodov. The stationary excavation was investigated by the Verkhnechulym’s expedition of the Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy SB RAS in 1975-1981, in 1992, and in 2000 under the direction of V.E. Larichev and Yu.P. Kholyushkin.

The stone industry of the site has a typical Upper Paleolithic appearance. Primary splitting is aimed at obtaining blade blanks, with the manufacture of tools on them (end scrapers, combined tools, points, notched tools, burins). Points on flakes, borers, pebble tools are widespread. A collection of bone and antler artifacts demonstrates a standard set of inventory for Upper Paleolithic, which includes adzes, points, awls, lissoirs. The study of talcite jewelry showed various technological principles and cultural differences in their manufacture.

Traces of red, black, green, and yellow mineral pigments were found within the dwellings and between the dwellings. To obtain them, iron oxides and malachite were used. 

Radiocarbon dates reasonably correlate the complex with the Karginsk’s time with dating in the range of 28 - 36 th. years BP.



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Lbova L.V., Panov V.S., Zenin V.N., Barkov A.V. Novye dannye o radiouglerodnom vozraste pamyatnika Malaya Syya. // Problemy arheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nyh territorij. Mat-ly Itogovoj sessii Instituta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN 2015 goda. – T. XXI. – Novosibirsk: izd-vo IAEt SO RAN, 2015.S. 103-106 (in Russiun).

Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V., Dolgorukova N. A., Barkov A. V., Larichev V. E. Predmety neutilitarnogo naznacheniya mestonahozhdeniya Malaya Syya (tekhnologicheskij aspekt) // Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. 2014. T. 13. Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 91-100 (in Russiun).

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Holyushkin Yu. P. Poselenie Malaya Syya - rannij etap verhnego paleolita Sibiri (k probleme nachala stanovleniya kul'tur Homo sapiens v Severnoj Azii) // Astroarheologiya - estestvennonauchnyj instrument poznaniya protonauk i astral'nyh religij zhrechestva drevnih kul'tur Hakasii. Krasnoyarsk: izd-vo Gorod, 2009. – S. 137 –145 (in Russiun).

Lbova L.V., Kulik N.A., Gubar Y.S. Petrograficheskiy i spektralnyy analiz pigmentsoderzhashchikh materialov v sostave kollektsii Maloy Syi // Problemy arheologii, etnografii, antropologii Sibiri i sopredel'nyh territorij. – T. XXIV. –Novosibirsk: izd-vo IAEt SO RAN, 2018. S. 115–118. (in Russiun).