
The bead is represented as an object with an irregular but generally rounded shape. It was made of light gray-brown talcite. On the edges, there are ledges. The item is the only complete item of its kind in the collection. There are blanks of the similar items and raw materials.

Manufacturing technique

The hole is made with a reamer. The drilling channel is biconical; There are no traces of flaring detected. The method of shaping is not determined. On the back side there are traces of braking and defects in raw materials.



Use-wear traces

Almost the entire surface is covered with traces of smoothness which may well be the result of wearing the item as a bead of a complex necklace and is formed from contact with the body or clothing of its owner. 

Storage location

Fund of Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Inventory number


The Museum KAMIS



Diameter – 14,07 - 13,01 mm

Thickness – 4,32 mm

Diameter of the hole (at the beginning) – 5,30 mm

Diameter of the hole – 2,63 mm





28-36 th. years BP (dating by culture layer)


Early Upper Palaelithic

The author of the excavations

Kholushkin Yu.P.


Larichev V. E., Holyushkin Yu. P. Arheologiya vrekhnepaleoliticheskogo poseleniya Malaya Syya // Arheologiya, geologiya i paleografiya paleoliticheskih pamyatnikov Yuga Srednej Sibiri (Severo-Minusinskaya vpadina, Kuzneckij Alatau, Vostochnyj Sayan). Krasnoyarsk: izd-vo Zodiak, 1992. – S.109–122 (in Russiun).

Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V., Dolgorukova N. A., Barkov A. V., Larichev V. E. Predmety neutilitarnogo naznacheniya mestonahozhdeniya Malaya Syya (tekhnologicheskij aspekt) // Vestnik NGU. Seriya: Istoriya, filologiya. 2014. T. 13. Vyp. 5: Arheologiya i etnografiya. – S. 91-100 (in Russiun).

Lbova L. V., Kulik N. A., Volkov P. V., Barkov A. V., Vanharen M., Marchenko D. V., Kovalev V.S. Tekhnologiya obrabotki «ekzoticheskih» mineral'nyh resursov v pozdnem paleolite Yuzhnoj Sibiri (po materialam mestonahozhdeniya Malaya Syya) // Stratum plus, 2018, №1, s. 199-214.

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Page authors: L. Lbova