The item has a irregular diamond-like shape and made of brown-red talcite with dark veins. The surfaces of the item are covered with long thin technological scratches. The edges of the item are smoothed. In the central part of the item, there are three holes.
Both sides of the item are flattened with a burin. Traces of the tool work are clearly seen on both sides of the item. The tool motion is returned. There are no traces of grinding. The holes are made with a manual drill with a working rotation less than 180°. The drilling channel is biconical. There are no traces of its flaring.
Traces of fastening or hanging the item are not found. The artefact's surface has clearly seen traces of smoothing. The origin of it is due to a contact with elastic organic material. One side of the item has a break, probably, technological one.
Length – 41.69 mm
Width – 26.1 mm
Thickness – 5.42 mm
Diameter of the hole (1) – 5.59 mm
Diameter of the hole (2) – 5.51 mm
Diameter of the hole (3) – 5.16 mm
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