The item is an image of a seal made on a small obsidian flake. The perimeter of the figurine has been treated with large, abrupt retouch; the body and the raised small head are highlighted in the supine position.
Length - 34 mm
Height - 12 mm
Thickness - 6 mm
Ponkratova I.Yu. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na severo-vostochnom poberezhye poluostrova Kamchatki v 2009–2011 godakh // Vostok Azii: problemy izucheniya i sokhraneniya istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya regiona. K 15-letiyu Tsentra po sokhraneniyu istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya Amurskoy oblasti. – Sankt-Peterburg: OOO «Izdatelstvo «Rostok». 2018. S. 229–236.