Stolbovaya I

Stolbovaya I site is located on the North-Eastern coast of Kamchatka Peninsula on 20 meter water-glacier terrace. It was investigated in 2010 as part of the «International Joint Northern Archaeological Project (ICCAP): Russian-American research in Kamchatka».

Three dwellings were found on the site. The dwelling №1 collection of artefacts includes about two thousand artefacts from the Middle Neolithic period (adzes made of siliceous shale and basalt, miniature arrowheads made of flint and chalcedony, scrapers, bifaces and their fragments, microblade, retoucher, chippers, knives, etc.). The figure of a seal made of obsidian and labret is of a particular interest in the collection. The cultural layer of dwelling №1 is dated 2020±25 l. n. (NOSAMS-85971).

There were no artifacts in dwelling №2. The cultural layer of dwelling №3 lay under the ashes of the Ksudach and Shiveluch volcanoes. The tool set includes arrowheads, knives, scrapers etc. The dwelling №3 is dated by coal 5530±30 (NOSAMS-85970).



Ponkratova I.Yu. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na severo-vostochnom poberezhye poluostrova Kamchatki v 2009–2011 godakh // Vostok Azii: problemy izucheniya i sokhraneniya istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya regiona. K 15-letiyu Tsentra po sokhraneniyu istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya Amurskoy oblasti. SPb.: OOO «Izdatelstvo «Rostok». 2018. S. 229–236.

Pendea, I.F., Harmsen, H., Keeler, D., Zubrow, E.B., Korosec, G., Ruhl, E., Ponkratova, I., Hulse, E.. Prehistoric human responses to volcanic tephra fall events in the Ust-Kamchatsk region, Kamchatka Peninsula (Kamchatsky Krai, Russian Federation) during the middle to late Holocene (6000–500 cal BP). Quaternary International, 2015. Vol. 394, pp. 51–68.