A non-utilitarian item was used to be worn in the cheek or lower lip. They are found in archaeological sites in the Pacific region from Alaska to the Islands of the Japanese archipelago in the period from 4 thousand years ago to ethnographic time.
Labret is made with chipping off technique and the subsequent polishing.
The item is polished, probably while wearing.
Length - 33 mm
Height - 23 mm
Thickness - 10 mm
Ponkratova I.Yu. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na severo-vostochnom poberezhye poluostrova Kamchatki v 2009–2011 godakh // Vostok Azii: problemy izucheniya i sokhraneniya istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya regiona. K 15-letiyu Tsentra po sokhraneniyu istoriko-kulturnogo naslediya Amurskoy oblasti. – Sankt-Peterburg: OOO «Izdatelstvo «Rostok». 2018. S. 229–236.
Vasilyevskiy R.S. Labretki v kulturakh Severotikhookeanskogo regiona // Arkheologiya. etnografiya i antropologiya. 2002. № 2 (10). S. 71-78.