An item of an elongated oval shape, the ends are flattened. In the center, there is a hole.
The item is made on a blade fragment of a large animal bone. The flattening with a knife is made on the ends of the item. In the center, there is a hole made with a burin or a thin tip.
Polishing is traced on the entire surface.
Length - 35,03 mm
Width - 14,40 mm
Thickness - 4,10 mm
Diameter of the hole - 0,57 mm
Lbova L. V. Paleolit severnoj zony Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya. – Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2000. – 240 s. (In Russian)
Lbova L. V., Volkov P. V. Tekhnologii izgotovleniya predmetov izobrazitel'noj deyatel'nosti v kompleksah nachal'noj pory verhnego paleolita v Zapadnom Zabajkal'e // Kamennaya skul'ptura i melkaya plastika drevnih i srednevekovyh narodov Evrazii.Tr. SAIPI. Barnaul: Izd-vo Alt. gos. un-ta, 2007. Vyp. 3. S. 40–43 (In Russian)