Big anthropomorphic figure, probably male. It is made of a flat ivory blank straightened under the press. The figurine has a large round head with highlighted convex almond-shaped eyes, a large nose and a straight mouth. The upper lip is convex (probably a mustache). The shoulders are straight, the arms and the legs are elongated. the left hand is broken but the break surface is grinded. The body is massive, sub-rectangular.
The inner side of the item has traces of longitudinal surface treatment with a tool like a wide chisel or a cutting tool with a wide edge in the lower part. The edges are treated with a push-plane along the contour. The item is grinded on fine-grained abrasive from the front side. When making the face details, a cutting tool was used. The nose base is made with a burin. The burin is as wide as nose wings. The manual drilling was made probably with a reamer from both sides. The arms are cut with a knife. The legs are broken.
Use-wear traces are not found. The item surface has a bad quality of preservation. But, presumably, the holes were used for fastening the item on the other material.
Length - 26.8 cm
Width - 9.3 cm
Thickness - 0.6 cm