The burial was found in 2003 in Kamenistoye natural boundary, 0,8 km east of Verkhniy Margintuy village and 0,5 km of bridge across Khilok river (Bichurinkiy district). It was located in the zone of the foothill loop and its junction with the surface of the second floodplain terrace of the right bank of the river Khilok, at an altitude of 12-13 m from the water edge. There was no tombstone. Only the upper part of the burial has preserved. The skeleton was head oriented north, with a slight turn of the skull to the east. The buried man lied on his back. The spine was bent to the right. Hands were located in the area of the pelvic bones. The bone preservation is satisfactory.
The grave had an oval shape. The traces of a clay (?) have remained on its bottom. Spots and pieces of ocher were traced only in the region of the right hypochondrium and the pelvic bone, as well as at the place of rich inventory accumulation.
Lbova L.V. Pogrebal'nye kompleksy neolita - rannego bronzovogo veka Zabajkal'ya (formirovanie arhetipov pervobytnoj kul'tury) / L.V. Lbova, E.D. ZHambaltarova, V.P. Konev. - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo Instituta arheologii i etnografii SO RAN, 2008. - 248 S.