
The Mukhor-Tala-3 site is located 0.8 - 1 km north from the Mukhor-Tala village. It is confined to sediments of the deluvial plume of the starboard side of the depression. The site is represented with two cultured packs, the top one is significantly subject to plowing. 

General number of the first pack finds is 601 pcs. Core-like items - 109 pcs, flakes - 202 pcs, secondary treatment items - 64 pcs, items with use retouch - 37 pcs, stone chips - 225 pcs. The second level is confined to the darkening zone, which, possibly, is the zone of soil formation. The finds include cores - 2 pcs, blades - 14 pcs, flakes - 16 pcs. 

The upper pack is estimated within the Middle - Late Sartan time, the lower one, probably, Late Karguinskoye.



Lbova L. V. Paleolit severnoj zony Zapadnogo Zabajkal'ya. – Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BNC SO RAN, 2000. – 240 s.