Ushki V

The multi-layered site Ushki V is located on the southern shore of the Big Ushkovskoye Lake in the Kamchatka River basin and it was discovered by N.N. Dikov in 1964. In 1974 the site stratigraphic and geomorphological studies were carried out. In 1995 and 2000, excavations at the site were carried out by M.A. Dikova. Since 2004 Ushki V-site have been explore by the detachment of the North-Eastern State University (Magadan) under the direction of I. Yu. Ponkratova.

In the stratigraphic section of the site, four different time cultural complexes were identified that correspond to the first (~13320–12000 BP) and second periods (~ 12225–10100 BP) of the Paleolithic-Neolithic Tansition, the Initial (~ 8600–8300 BP) and Early (~ 6700–4400 BP) Neolithic.

The stone industry of the earliest stage of the site settlement (cultural layer VII) is represented by a variety of tools and ornaments. Items of personal ornamentation - pendants, beads and their fragments, bead blanks - were made of soft row materials (pyrophyllite or agalmatolite of white, yellow, red and dark green color).

Among the features of the tools of the second period of settlement (cultural layer VI), there is the microblade technique of making stone items using the Yubetsu technique. The marking element of the third stage (V cultural layer) is obsidian scrapers on blades and flakes.

Prismatic microncores, retouched tips on plates, scraping tools made of obsidian and basalt were found in the Early Neolithic IV cultural layer. Fragments of the oldest ceramic dishes on Kamchatka, and figurines of fish that were probably used in ceremonial ceremonies were found.



Dikov N. N. Arkheologicheskiye pamyatniki Kamchatki. Chukotki i Verkhney Kolymy: (Aziya na styke s Amerikoy v drevnosti). M. 1977. 391 s.

Dikov N. N. Novoye v arkheologii Severa Dalnego Vostoka. Magadan: Severo-Vostochnyy kompleksnyy nauchno-issledovatelskiy institut DVNTs AN SSSR. 1985. 178 s.

Ponkratova I. Yu. Arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya na p-ove Kamchatka (XIX – nachalo XXI v.) // Gumanitarnyye nauki v Sibiri. 2018. T. 25. № 2. S. 49–55.

Ponkratova I. Yu. Istoriya issledovaniy Ushkovskikh stoyanok (Ust-kamchatskiy rayon. p-ov Kamchatka) // Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta. Seriya: «Istoricheskiye nauki». 2018. № 3 (19). S. 110–119.

Ponkratova I. Yu., Gubar Yu. S., Lbova L. V. Spektralnyy analiz okrashennykh artefaktov sloya VII stoyanki Ushki V (poluostrov Kamchatka) // Universum Humanitarium. 2019. № 1. S. 56–71.

Ponkratova I. Yu. Etapy zaseleniya territorii u Bol'shogo Ushkovskogo ozera na Kamchatke v konce plejstocena – golocene // Arheologiya, etnografiya i antropologiya Evrazii, 2020. T. 48. № 1. S. 41–51.

Gómez Coutouly, Y.A., Ponkratova, I. Yu., 2016. The Late Pleistocene Microblade Component of Ushki Lake (Kamchatka, Russian Far East). PaleoAmerica, Vol. 2, pp. 303–331.